Sunday, April 9, 2017

Thing 28 :Online Learning & DIY PD

For many reasons I wanted to learn sway, so I thought I would combine the online learning with
Introduction-to-Sway.  A teacher in my building tried it with her students and would love to try to support their learning and add this to their list of growing software successes.

I also joined an online book group through Library Learners back in January.  We are reading the same Professional book chapter by chapter, implementing in the classroom and then commenting to each other.  I had picked up the book a while back because I loved the idea, but never had a chance to read it.  I try to read at least one professional book a year between the ones I read for the library, and gain a heightened awareness.  I am enjoying not only reading the book, trying different things in the classroom, but also hearing what others are experiencing and learning from them as well.  It is one thing to read a book, but to actually put it into practice and talk with others about the same experiences is really helpful!  Things I hadn't thought of or those "me too" moments are wonderful!  I am trying many of the ideas form the book: "Reading Picture books With Children" and it is great to see the kids pick up things before I do.

Recently I started investigating where an educator can go through the online course with lots of training to become a certified Google Educator.  They have two levels and may come in super handy in my future.  I have started the first level, but may really only get more time when summer rolls around.

I am constantly signing up for Webinars all over the place.  Even If I don't get to them live, they usually send the digital recording.  Our district allows you to send a completion certificate or send over the notes you write during the PD as proof of completion.  So both are good options to continue to further whatever i see cross my screen.  Just sat and listened to one on the future of Coding and how to get more girls involved.  Was a lot of what I already know, but I found a few new sites to try out including the tickle app.  Will go back and try that soon.

Last week I also started looking in to and touching base with a few librarians and Technology Integrationists about doing some visits to see how technology runs in each school.  I am excited to be given permission to take the time and go to local schools and see how they use technology on a daily basis.  While do other research I found the EdCamp and saw that one is being offered local to me in early July.  Can't wait to try this and bring a few of my colleagues to get them excited about our new influx of iPads and laptops in our building.

1 comment:

  1. The Library Learners book club sounds terrific! And that's great that your school will give PD hours for webinars, a good policy. Is the July edcamp you mentioned the on that Empire State College organizes?


Final thing reflection

It is really hard to believe that this workshop has come to an end....  my first blog post for this series of classes was from 2010...  m...