Saturday, April 15, 2017

Thing 18: Student assessment & feedback tool

Recently discovered the recap-video-response-and-reflection-for-education app.  What a find!  Of course I downloaded the app on several iPads and it gets "stuck" before it loads the video... Very frustrating...  Going to test out in a different location to see if that helps, but my hopes are not high right now.  It really looked like a fantastic "exit ticket" response that was really engaging for students...

I have seen before and it looks interesting for older students.  Or for my scholars classes that I have for two hours and they can handle the collaboration in the time I have them. looks like a great place too.  It links up with edmodo which is great and things can be assigned there for your students as well.  I can see this as an interesting homework assignment to peak kids interest before a project or the check in as you go.  Especially with NGSS there are some interesting videos that could be used too. could really drive something home or get them excited.

I recently heard about seesaw, but hadn't had a lot of time to investigate. looks like it would be great for the classroom teacher.  OR if I picked one grade level and one project, but it seems like it would really work well for the classroom!

Love the idea of digital exit tickets, and the ideas on this article are great.  One problem I have is is that I do not have lots of technology in the library, computer access yes, but no iPads for a super quick assessment.  Kids have to log into the computers and then go instead of something touchable.  I do hope this changes over the next year or so, but I may be bound to computers for a while longer.

Next I looked at  Kind of neat especially with adding pictures or pins to have the kids vote or express ideas on something.  Just finished a Fairy tale project with first graders and this could be another fun way to get their responses:

1 comment:

  1. Hope you were able to get recap to work. It is a handy tool, as are all the others you explored. A bit of a pain when you don't have easy to access tech though. I sometimes think the good old 3x5 index card and a pencil are pretty good tools too! :)


Final thing reflection

It is really hard to believe that this workshop has come to an end....  my first blog post for this series of classes was from 2010...  m...