Saturday, April 15, 2017

Thing 42 -- Done? Reflection

Thank you to Polly for hosting the Cool Tools for Schools once again.  I always hesitate for a moment to sign up as the question arises... will I have the time in my schedule, if I sign up I want to to try something learned in my library and is that possible with everything else...  Needless to say I am always happy I sign up as I learned about new tools and get time (or make time) to try things out and think of ways they can be used in my library.

On thing that I tried to do the last few times was look at other elementary libraries and learn what tools they are trying and using.  As much as I have ideas of things, I always love talking to my colleagues and hearing the amazing things they are doing, but sifting through all the blogs to find those elementary examples were time consuming....  Thank you for organizing the blog list in categories!  It lets me connect with others in my same situations.. a little PLT thing happening I guess.

So from my online colleagues I saw:
1. flipgrid -- not sure how exactly I will use it, but it could come in handy for the self reflection piece we are being asked for with PBL.  Starting an environmental project with my fifth graders and could easily use this as an exit ticket...  or in the following years, could easily be used all year and add different questions or topics throughout the whole year instead of just one topic or project!

2. is a new one to me... like this a lot too.

3. -- might also come in handy for my fifth and fourth grade projects.

4. Love the idea of a library instagram account and keeping parents in the loop of lessons, new resources, author visits, etc...  So spot on!  Signed up now for our library and will start sharing things with our families!  I was thinking to share the info even start with an announcement with a QR code to get them there and following... Just trying to get all the good we do at the library out there!  Have to remember to take pictures of the hallway displays I create for families to see what their kids are doing.

5. is an interesting one too.  A bunch of elementary lesson plans are given too.  And it works well with  This site puts the citation right underneath the photo so credit is right there.  Found another sit from a blog called: which looks interesting, but I like the ones we have at the ready for school already.

6. Sitting next to a colleague at a conference we were chit chatting and I saw that she had a few great apps on her phone including: common-core-standards and next-generation-science-standards.  So helpful to have it at the touch of a finger and not having to search elsewhere.

Thanks to Polly for a fun session with a lot of good resources including a lit to others working through the Tools and by level!  So many ideas... I decided to go back and read through all of my blog posts from the beginning (four sessions ago) and see what I found then and if I have used it or how I can use it next year.  I want to spend time this summer getting some ideas on paper and into my plan-book and really start using them with the kids.  Thanks for the spreadsheet.  Wanted to put it here so that I could always find it!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for all the ideas you've summarized here! I feel the same way when I'm reading all the posts, so many great ideas that people are trying out. And thanks for the suggestion of sharing the blogs by grade level. Makes soooo much sense. I need to make sure that we do that next year (if we do this again next year!)


Final thing reflection

It is really hard to believe that this workshop has come to an end....  my first blog post for this series of classes was from 2010...  m...