Friday, June 14, 2019

Final thing reflection

It is really hard to believe that this workshop has come to an end....  my first blog post for this series of classes was from 2010...  my how my own skills have changed, what tech I use now, and what changes have been made in my library space too....

Polly you have done an amazing job putting together resources, topics and keeping us all organized and inspired.  That is how I will end my experiences over that last several years with Cool Tools..... inspired.  I look back at the number of things I have learned, tried, and brought into my teaching space.  There are so many more that I want to try and work in.

I was at a LMS meeting several weeks ago and one of our activities was to look at goals for ourselves for next year.  My goal was to try to incorporate at least one more or new technology piece with each grade level at my school.  This year I concentrated on turning my computer lab into a makerspace.

We got some donations and I was able to purchase some hands on materials.  I was able to bring each grade level in at least every other month for a week or two so that they could use different materials.  I used some of my budget or Scholastic dollars to add things that I thought the kids would enjoy.  It was a big success, but I didn't really get to do a lot of tech projects as we went from desktop computers to iPads and cloudbooks.  So at this past meeting I realized I need a blend of the makerspace and tech.  This summer I want to look at each grade level and see what I can add in easily with what I have.  Starting with #booksnaps using PicCollage at the beginning of the school year.  I think it will be a fun way for the kids to share out a book or two, recommend books to others and practice a few tech skills.  I would also liike to add in a few more tech projects to the Makerspace: LegoWeDo, claymation, stop animation and revisit green screen photos with a few more classes.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun year you've had with all the makerspace stuff! And really, you've done 10 years of Cool Tools? Wow! That has to be worth a "perfect attendance" pin! :) Thanks for participating for so long and sharing so many great ideas. And have a great summer!


Final thing reflection

It is really hard to believe that this workshop has come to an end....  my first blog post for this series of classes was from 2010...  m...