Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thing 16: Media skills

So I have a biography project coming up with my third graders.  We are picking a person to research from America that has made some impact and is no longer living.  Students will have to gain background knowledge so that they can write a persuasive letter to the Postal Service explaining why this person should have their own stamp.  The students will design a stamp... so I definitely could either have them draw a picture, then snap a photo of it with the iPads and have them either create a collage effect and play with the colorings so that they could see what a whole sheet of the stamps looks like, then print them.  I was going to have them draw then scan it and make a sheet, but I am looking toward this now.  They can use on the computer to create instead of drawing an image on paper.

Or they could find an image of their person from our online databases, then edit the photo with something like, then add it to a template Fotojet to have a set of stamps...
So that this:
Can become this: 
I think the kids would be so excited to try this!

Another photo collage maker is which is also super easy and gives a few more squares to represent stamps pages... So I might go with this one instead!
or even more!!!
The kids will be having as much fun as I have been.  So we can print out a page of stamps and their persuasive letters and mail them off to the committee who makes decisions!!

Or we can play more in photo editor and make an Warhol type picture for the stamp collages

Also tried out which would be another easy one for my kids to use for a simple project... Here is one that I designed to help inspire the teachers

1 comment:

  1. What a great project! One that will be all that much more fun with all the photo options you've covered. Cool!


Final thing reflection

It is really hard to believe that this workshop has come to an end....  my first blog post for this series of classes was from 2010...  m...