Monday, July 29, 2013

Thing 3 - Personal Learning Networks

I had an opportunity to watch the Todaysmeet site that Polly mentioned on Monday with the group of Ohio teachers.  We used this site for a professional development day in Saratoga to ask questions or comment on what we were discussing at each building.  I can see where this would be extremely helpful.  Not sure I li8ke to format if you come late to the discussion or if you turn away from the monitor... the comments bump down in a weird way so I had to keep trying to get to the last one I read.  lots of good ideas and links posted.  I saw some good ideas and thoughts flow by.  Twitter feed suggestions, teaching ideas with this media... even having the students use this site to get their thoughts out and see what others are thinking, then take the next step and write out "something".  Saw a new Pinterest board I plan on following as well.  Just sparking more interest and ideas with this summer course... so thank you!


  1. The todaysmeet posts can fly by fast indeed! I didn't get a chance to participate in that one live. But I did read through the transcript of it later. Love the transcript feature, you can review at your own pace. And if students are using it to share notes and thoughts, then they can have a text file to refer back to and edit as well.

  2. I, too, used TodaysMeet during a summer PD offering. It was a three-day workshop offered by GCRTC and while my group was in the distance learning lab at Gick Road BOCES, we used TodaysMeet to interact with the other group of students in Berlin. We used it to post reactions to the course content, in addition to recommended resources (books, websites, articles, etc.). I liked the idea that the transcript would still be available after the workshop had ended. The only issue that I recall was a misinterpretation of something that one of my colleagues added to the online conversation. Another attendee responded with a snarky comment. Thankfully, both my colleague and the other attendee were in the same room and they were able to hash things out in person, rather than take away from the intent of the TodaysMeet log.


Final thing reflection

It is really hard to believe that this workshop has come to an end....  my first blog post for this series of classes was from 2010...  m...